Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProducts::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProducts::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProducts::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProducts::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProduct_medias::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProduct_medias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmuser_shoppergroups::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmuser_shoppergroups::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableShoppergroups::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableShoppergroups::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableManufacturers::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableManufacturers::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Declaration of JParameter::loadSetupFile() should be compatible with that of JRegistry::loadSetupFile() in /home/mamamila/ on line 512

Strict Standards: Declaration of VirtueMartModelMedia::store() should be compatible with that of VmModel::store() in /home/mamamila/ on line 392

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/mamamila/ on line 80

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategory_medias::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategory_medias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/mamamila/ on line 80

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableRatings::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableRatings::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60



Средство для ухода за нержавеющей сталью в производственных помещениях

Общее описание 

AMIDOL эффективная защита металла. Предотвращает и удаляет следы пальцев и разводы. Отталкивает грязь. Обеспечивает глянцевое, блестящее покрытие. Блестит без полирования. Прост и безопасен в применении.

Зона применения

Может наноситься на любые металлические поверхности, особенно полированную нержавеющую сталь.


Используется неразбавленным.

Инструкция по применению и дозировка

Нанесите AMIDOL на мягкую, чистую, сухую ткань и экономно разотрите по поверхности. Сильнозагрязнённые поверхности, предварительно вымойте (рекомендуем GASTRO PUR), сполосните водой и высушите.
Для удаления следов пальцев с покрытой средством AMIDOL поверхности, протрите поверхность сухой, чистой тканью (или салфеткой из нетканого материала).

Меры предосторожности

Средство не должно наноситься на поверхность, контактирующую с пищей.
Рекомендуется использовать перчатки. При попадании в глаза промывать холодной водой. При случайном попадании внутрь, обратитесь за медицинской помощью.

Технические данные: 


Бутылка 500 мл. 

Срок годности

5 лет 

Уровень рН, (конц.) 



Спирт, ухаживающие компоненты.


DR.SCHNELL CHEMIE GmbH . Taunusstrasse 19 . 80807 Munich . Germany