Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProducts::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProducts::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProducts::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProducts::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProduct_medias::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableProduct_medias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmusers::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmuser_shoppergroups::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableVmuser_shoppergroups::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableShoppergroups::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableShoppergroups::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableManufacturers::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableManufacturers::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Declaration of JParameter::loadSetupFile() should be compatible with that of JRegistry::loadSetupFile() in /home/mamamila/ on line 512

Strict Standards: Declaration of VirtueMartModelMedia::store() should be compatible with that of VmModel::store() in /home/mamamila/ on line 392

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/mamamila/ on line 80

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategories::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategory_medias::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableCategory_medias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/mamamila/ on line 80

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableMedias::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableRatings::$_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 59

Strict Standards: Accessing static property TableRatings::$_query_cache as non static in /home/mamamila/ on line 60



HORNIT GRILL очиститель для грилей, духовых шкафов, варочных плит.

Общее описание 

Удаляет пригоревшие жиры с плит и фритюрниц, быстрая, эффективная глубокая уборка.

Зона применения

Средство для специальной очистки устойчивых к щелочам грилей и печей, конвекционных печей, кастрюль, сковород и т.д. 


Применяется неразбавленным.

Инструкция по применению и дозировка

Нанесите HORNIT GRILL неразбавленным щеткой или распылителем (избегать мелкого распыления), оставить на поверхности на 10-15 минут. 
При очистке конвекционных печей – включить печь в паровом режиме на 20 минут.
При необходимости протереть поверхность жесткой щеткой, смыть грязный раствор водой.
Сильные загрязнения: 
Разогреть поверхность до 80-90ºС и нанести HORNIT GRILL.
Альтернативный метод: 
Не нагревать поверхность. Нанести продукт несколько раз и оставить на длительный срок для взаимодействия.

Меры предосторожности

Не используйте на алюминиевых, никелированных, цинковых поверхностях со специальными покрытиями.

Технические данные: 


Канистра 5 л. 

Срок годности

5 лет 

Уровень рН, (конц.) 



Анионные и ионные ПАВы, фосфаты, силикаты, гидроксид калия, растворяющая добавка. 


DR.SCHNELL CHEMIE GmbH . Taunusstrasse 19 . 80807 Munich . Germany